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Motorized Blinds in the Philippines

For anyone building or remodeling a home, energy efficiency is a key factor. From insulation to location, how you build a home can have a direct impact on how much energy it uses.

While a Passive House, one that can remain comfortable through all seasons without employing an active heating or cooling system, may be a lofty goal for many people, there is something relatively simple you can add to your home to help passively control its temperature: motorized blinds.

1. Convenience

Motorized window blinds can be opened and closed simply by touching a button, a remote control, or an app on a smartphone. Window coverings are a proven way to reduce solar gain and prevent heat loss, and if they are this easy to open and close, it's much more likely you'll remember to do so to benefit you and your environment. Additionally, the ability to set schedules to open and close them at specific times means you may never have to worry about them at all.

2. Safety

As any parent will know, the lack of cords with motorized window blinds is a major safety bonus—you won't have to worry about keeping them out of reach of your children.

3. Security By remotely controlling or setting a schedule that makes it look as if someone's home, smart blinds can help fool would-be burglars into thinking a home is occupied.

Compared to many retrofit or new-build energy-saving solutions, installing motorized blinds is a relatively inexpensive way to control solar gain and heat loss in a home. This makes them something any green builder or would-be green homeowner should seriously consider. Additionally, the integration of smart technology increases the ability of motorized blinds to reduce energy use and is an excellent example of how the smart home can be put to good use helping protect our planet.

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